Margenau Associates, Inc.

1342 South Elizabeth Street
Denver, CO 80210-2421

About Margenau Associates, Inc.

Margenau Associates, Inc. (MAI) is dedicated to solving acoustical problems in the workplace. The issue of speech privacy, which impacts productivity, is one of the major concerns in the office today. MAI can help you change a noisy and stressful environment into a productive workplace.
Founded in 1993, Margenau Associates, Inc. has provided turnkey acoustical solutions on a regional and national scale. Our design/build solutions involve providing a full array of acoustical products for absorption, sound transmission, SCIF - Audio Security Counter Measures and computer designed, site specific, and state-of-the-art sound masking.
Through our commitment to education, quality products and on-time delivery, MAI is recognized as a National Leader in electronic acoustics with over 65% repeat clients and over 20 million square feet of successfully completed projects. We provide real world practical solutions to complicated acoustical problems.

Competitors of Margenau Associates, Inc.

Surfacing Solution

32 years in the making! Specializing in tambour - a flexible solid wood panel for walls, ceilings, wainscoting, bar fronts, bar dies, accent walls, tambour doors, pole wraps, and more! We also manufacture real and faux tin ceilings, and acoustical solutions for commercial and residential... Read More

Herman Miller, Inc.

Established in 1958 as industrial consultants focused on controlling sound and vibration, Kinetics now produces the industry’s largest selection of products and solutions that control airborne noise, isolate structure-borne vibration, enhance room acoustics, create quiet spaces, and restrain... Read More