Fredeco Lighting

50 de Fauvettes
Verdun, QC H3E-1X4

About Fredeco Lighting

Fredeco is a web based retailer that provides classics, originals and timelessly beautiful design and durability in its products. This special product philosophy is at the centre of our approach, alongside a high level of customer orientation.

Our mission is to be a dynamic online source of inspiration for lovers of interior and exterior decor in U.S and Canada and to provide you with exciting and high quality design that will meet your needs and your vision.

If you want to recommend a product line or designer you would like to see featured on our site, drop us a line, we’d love to hear about them.
Feel free to contact us if you need personal assistance or if you have any questions or comments about our products.

Competitors of Fredeco Lighting

Fredeco Lighting

Fredeco is a web based retailer that provides classics, originals and timelessly beautiful design and durability in its products. This special product philosophy is at the centre of our approach, alongside a high level of customer orientation. Our mission is to be a dynamic online source of... Read More